Members’ Publication

1274 publications found

Does building development in Dhaka comply with land use zoning? An analysis using nighttime light and digital building heights

Journal: Sustainability Science

Volume: Sustainability Science

Year: 2021

Author: M. Rahman, R. Avtar, Sohail Ahmad,

Publisher: Sripnger

A multi-purpose National Forest Inventory in Bangladesh: design, operationalisation and key results

Journal: Forest Ecosystems

Volume: Forest Ecosystems

Year: 2021

Author: M Henry, Z Iqbal, K Johnson, M Akhter, L Costello, C Scott, R Jalal, et al.

Publisher: Springer

A multi-purpose National Forest Inventory in Bangladesh: design, operationalisation and key results



Year: 2021



Can labour migration help households adapt to climate change? Evidence from four river basins in South Asia

Journal: Climate and Development

Volume: Climate and Development

Year: 2021

Author: Amina Maharjan, ST, AH, AM, SB, SI, BA, SIS, BA, JF, SMT Hassan

Publisher: Taylor & Francis

তুতি ও তার বন্ধুরা : আমাদের বাগান (Tuti and Friends : Our Garden)

Journal: Book

Volume: Book

Year: 2021

Author: Farzana Rahman

Publisher: Nandita Prokash

The Green Revolution from space: Mapping the historic dynamics of main rice types in one of the world's food bowls

Journal: Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment

Volume: Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment

Year: 2021


Publisher: Elsevier

Impact of Climate Change on Cotton Production in Bangladesh

Journal: Sustainability

Volume: Sustainability

Year: 2021

Author: Mahjabeen Rahman

Publisher: MDPI

Tropical cyclone risk mapping for a coastal city using geospatial techniques



Year: 2021



Tropical cyclone risk mapping for a coastal city using geospatial techniques

Journal: Journal of Coastal Conservation

Volume: Journal of Coastal Conservation

Year: 2021

Author: 1. Dr. Aysha Akter 2. Ahammed Dayem

Publisher: Springer

The root causes of landslide vulnerability in Bangladesh

Journal: Landslides

Volume: Landslides

Year: 2021

Author: Bayes Ahmed

Publisher: Springer

Spatial accessibility to healthcare facilities in coastal region of Bangladesh

Journal: The International Journal of Health Planning and Management

Volume: The International Journal of Health Planning and Management

Year: 2021

Author: Niaz

Publisher: John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

Identification of factors influencing severity of motorcycle crashes in Dhaka, Bangladesh using binary logistic regression model

Journal: International Journal of Injury Control and Safety Promotion

Volume: International Journal of Injury Control and Safety Promotion

Year: 2021

Author: Niaz

Publisher: Taylor & Francis