Members’ Publication

1274 publications found

Modelling future land use land cover changes and their impacts on land surface temperatures in Rajshahi, Bangladesh

Journal: Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment

Volume: Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment

Year: 2020

Author: Abdulla-Al Kafy

Publisher: Elsevier

A multi-criteria decision-making approach for quantification of accessibility to market facilities in rural areas: an application in Bangladesh

Journal: GeoJournal

Volume: GeoJournal

Year: 2020

Author: Anurima Jahangir

Publisher: Springer

Land Use Change Impact Assessment on Urban Environment using VHR UAV dataset: A case study on Kushtia Municipality (2008-2018)



Year: 2020

Author: Md Moniruzzaman

Publisher: International Conference on Earth and Environmental Sciences & Technology, ICEEST 2020

Evaluation of the 'Cluster Village' Projects: A Case Study on Four Cluster Village Projects of Nilphamari District



Year: 2020

Author: Md. Redwanur Rahman; Farhana Akther

Publisher: Jahangirnagar University

The potential of Tidal River Management for flood alleviation in South Western Bangladesh.

Journal: Science of the Total Environment

Volume: Science of the Total Environment

Year: 2020

Author: MD. Sarfaraz Gani Adnan

Publisher: Elsevier

Exploring the factors influencing pedestrian-vehicle crash severity in Dhaka, Bangladesh

Journal: International Journal of Injury Control and Safety Promotion

Volume: International Journal of Injury Control and Safety Promotion

Year: 2020

Author: Niaz

Publisher: Taylor & Francis

A GIS-based approach to evaluating environmental influences on active and public transport accessibility of university students

Journal: Journal of Urban Management

Volume: Journal of Urban Management

Year: 2020

Author: MD. Sarfaraz Gani Adnan

Publisher: Elsevier

Bridging the Urban Divide: A Critical Review of Bottom-Up Communicative Planning Measures in Bangladesh

Journal: International Journal of Town Planning and Management

Volume: International Journal of Town Planning and Management

Year: 2020

Author: Anutosh Das

Publisher: Journals Pub

The effects of changing land use and flood hazard on poverty in coastal Bangladesh

Journal: Land Use Policy

Volume: Land Use Policy

Year: 2020

Author: MD. Sarfaraz Gani Adnan

Publisher: Elsevier

A multi-criteria decision-making approach for quantification of accessibility to market facilities in rural areas: an application in Bangladesh

Journal: GeoJournal

Volume: GeoJournal

Year: 2020

Author: Nawshin Tabassum


Urban Planning in the ICT Age: The Chronicle of Evolution

Journal: Planning and Development : Journal of the Hong Kong Institute of Planners (HKIP)

Volume: Planning and Development : Journal of the Hong Kong Institute of Planners (HKIP)

Year: 2020

Author: Anutosh Das

Publisher: Hong Kong Institute of Planners (HKIP)

Assessing climate-induced agricultural vulnerable coastal communities of Bangladesh using machine learning techniques

Journal: Science of The Total Environment

Volume: Science of The Total Environment

Year: 2020

Author: Md. Sajadul Alam Saimon

Publisher: Elsevier