Members’ Publication

1274 publications found

Study on Pedestrian Compliance Behavior at Vehicular Traffic Signals and Traffic-Police-Controlled Intersections

Journal: International Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems Research

Volume: International Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems Research

Year: 2019

Author: Niaz Mahmud Zafri

Publisher: Springer US

Role of Integrated Communal Solid Waste Management as A Response to Urban Flood Risk A Case Study on Barisal City

Journal: 1-st International Conference on Urban and Regional Planning

Volume: 1-st International Conference on Urban and Regional Planning

Year: 2019

Author: Noor-A-Md. Amanat Ullah

Publisher: BIP

Assessing the Spatial Distribution of Parks in Khulna City

Journal: Journal of Engineering and Applied Science (JEAS)

Volume: Journal of Engineering and Applied Science (JEAS)

Year: 2019

Author: Md. Zakaria Salim


Parking Problem Analysis at the Town Center of Rangamati Municipality

Journal: Proceedings of International Conference on Planning, Architecture and Civil Engineering (ICPACE2019)

Volume: Proceedings of International Conference on Planning, Architecture and Civil Engineering (ICPACE2019)

Year: 2019



Impact of LULC Changes on LST in Rajshahi District of Bangladesh: A Remote Sensing Approach

Journal: Journal of Geographical Studies

Volume: Journal of Geographical Studies

Year: 2019

Author: Abdulla-Al Kafy

Publisher: Gatha Cognation

Redesigning intersections for enhancing pedestrian safety: A study of three accident-prone intersections of Dhaka

Journal: 1st International Conference on Urban and Regional Planning

Volume: 1st International Conference on Urban and Regional Planning

Year: 2019

Author: Niaz

Publisher: Bangladesh Institute of Planners (BIP)

Using spatial analysis and GIS to improve planning and resource allocation in a rural district of Bangladesh

Journal: BMJ Global Health

Volume: BMJ Global Health

Year: 2019

Author: Sk. Towhidur Rahaman

Publisher: British Medical Journal

Participatory Democracy or State-Induced Violence? Resettling the Displaced People of Hatirjheel in Dhaka

Journal: South Asia Research

Volume: South Asia Research

Year: 2019

Author: Sk. Towhidur Rahaman

Publisher: Sage Journals

Management of Preeclampsia, Severe Preeclampsia, and Eclampsia at Primary Care Facilities in Bangladesh

Journal: Global Health: Science and Practice

Volume: Global Health: Science and Practice

Year: 2019

Author: Sk. Towhidur Rahaman

Publisher: Global Health: Science and Practice

Assessment of Flood of Secondary Town in Bangladesh: A case Study of Chhatak Pourashava

Journal: International Conference on Disaster Risk Management (ICDRM)

Volume: International Conference on Disaster Risk Management (ICDRM)

Year: 2019

Author: Mohammad Atikul Islam

Publisher: BUET-Japan Institute of Disaster Prevention and Urban Safety (BUET-JIDPUS)


Journal: International Conference on Urban and Regional Planning

Volume: International Conference on Urban and Regional Planning

Year: 2019

Author: Md. Rabiul Awal

Publisher: Bangladesh Institute of Planners – BIP 2019

Water Demand Management of Rajshahi City Corporation

Journal: Journal of Bangladesh Institute of Planners

Volume: Journal of Bangladesh Institute of Planners

Year: 2019

Author: Md. Hasibul Hasan
