Members’ Publication

1274 publications found

Impact of Flood Hazards on the Agricultural Production and Livelihood Shifting in Rural Bangladesh: A Comparative Study.

Journal: 5th International Conference on Water and Flood Management

Volume: 5th International Conference on Water and Flood Management

Year: 2015

Author: Md. Sohel Rana


Workplace safety compliance of RMG industry in Bangladesh: Structural assessment of RMG factory buildings

Journal: International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction

Volume: International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction

Year: 2015

Author: Uttama Barua

Publisher: Elsevier

Rural-urban linkage through growth centers in Bangladesh

Journal: Bangladesh Research Publications Journal

Volume: Bangladesh Research Publications Journal

Year: 2015

Author: Uttama Barua


Parking Scenario of Hospitals in Dhaka City on the Weekends: A Case Study of Green Life Medical College and Hospital

Journal: Nagar Shoily

Volume: Nagar Shoily

Year: 2015

Author: Mirza Imran

Publisher: Dept. of Urban & Regional Planning, Bangladesh University of Engineering & Technology (BUET)

Group B: Finding a home for the spirit of Hazaribagh

Journal: Recommendations for Regeneration of Urban Brownfield, Hazaribagh, Dhaka, Bangladesh. Japan: Kyushu University.

Volume: Recommendations for Regeneration of Urban Brownfield, Hazaribagh, Dhaka, Bangladesh. Japan: Kyushu University.

Year: 2015

Author: Uttama Barua

Publisher: Japan: Kyushu University.

Approach to Rural Road Prioritization for Maintenance by LGED, A Case Study of Phultola Union, Khulna.

Journal: Journal of Bangladesh Institute of Planners

Volume: Journal of Bangladesh Institute of Planners

Year: 2015

Author: Md. Kamrul Hasan Sarker

Publisher: Bangladesh Institute of Planners

A Study on Development Pattern of Dhaka city: A case study of Ward – 45, Mohammadpur, Bangladesh



Year: 2015

Author: Arnab Thakur Roni


Solid Waste Management for the Better Living The environment in Rangamati Municipality.



Year: 2015

Author: Md. Tanveer Rahman Mollah

Publisher: Waste Safe 2015 4th International Conference. KUET.

Translation of urban planning models: Planning principles, procedural elements and institutional settings

Journal: Habitat International

Volume: Habitat International

Year: 2015

Author: Shahadat Hossain, Wolfgang Scholz, Sabine Baumgart

Publisher: Elsevier

Co-Learning for Action: Exploring the Relationship between Everyday Risk and Urban Development in Lima



Year: 2015

Author: Manik Kumar Saha

Publisher: Development Planning Unit, University College London, London, United Kingdom

Unplanned Development of a Planned Area–Encroachment and Physical Changes in Dhanmondi Residential Area

Journal: Dhaka: an Urban Reader

Volume: Dhaka: an Urban Reader

Year: 2015

Author: Planner Nadia Ahmed

Publisher: The University Press Limited (UPL)

Promote Sustainable and Healthy Environment of Rajshahi City Corporation through Effective Management of Solid Waste

Journal: International Conference on Mechanical, Industrial and Materials Engineering 2015 (ICMIME2015)

Volume: International Conference on Mechanical, Industrial and Materials Engineering 2015 (ICMIME2015)

Year: 2015

Author: Md. Salman Reza

Publisher: Department of Mechanical, Industrial and Materials Engineering, RUET