Members’ Publication

1274 publications found

Methodological Analysis of Regional Economy And Employment: Extended Shift-Share For Dhaka District

Journal: International Journal Of Business, Social And Scientific Research

Volume: International Journal Of Business, Social And Scientific Research

Year: 2014

Author: Md.Musfiqur Rahman Bhuiya


A Study on Finding an Efficient Mode between Bus and Rail Services for Commuters Living Outskirts of Dhaka

Journal: Transportation Planning Workshop Class Project

Volume: Transportation Planning Workshop Class Project

Year: 2014

Author: Md Musfiqur Rahman Bhuiya

Publisher: Bangladesh University of Engineering (BUET)

Attaining Sufficient Yield of Sugarcane in Bangladesh: An Empirical Approach

Journal: Journal of Tropical Agricultural Science

Volume: Journal of Tropical Agricultural Science

Year: 2014

Author: Md. Sohel Rana

Publisher: Universiti Putra Malaysia

A conceptual proposal for low-income housing in Bangladesh: an alternate to slum.

Journal: Bangladesh Research Publications Journal

Volume: Bangladesh Research Publications Journal

Year: 2014

Author: Uttama Barua


The Changing Nature of Urban Public Places in Dhaka

Journal: Urbanism. Arhitectură. Construcţii

Volume: Urbanism. Arhitectură. Construcţii

Year: 2014

Author: Uttama Barua

Publisher: National Research & Development Institute for Building, Urban Planning and Sustainable Spatial Development URBAN-INCERC, Bucharest, Romania. (ISSN 2069-6469)

A Study on Existing and Required Facilities or Amenities for Decentralized Activity in Rural Bangladesh

Journal: Innovative System Design & Engineering

Volume: Innovative System Design & Engineering

Year: 2014

Author: Mirza Imran

Publisher: IISTE-Civil and Environmental Research

Determining Suitable Bus Stop Location Using Geographic Information System (GIS) in Kaptai Road, Chittagong



Year: 2014

Author: Md. Tanveer Rahman Mollah

Publisher: ICCESD-2014 2nd International Conference on Civil Engineer. KUET

Natural Resource and Environmental Planning in Chittagong District of Bangladesh.



Year: 2014

Author: Md. Tanveer Rahman Mollah

Publisher: IFOST 2014.Cox bazar, Chittagong.

Does Distribution of Schools Matter in Human Development? - A Case Study of Bangladesh

Journal: Sustainability and Economics eJOURNAL

Volume: Sustainability and Economics eJOURNAL

Year: 2014

Author: Shahadat Hossain Shakil

Publisher: Social Science Research Network (SSRN)

Public Participation and Lay Knowledge in Environmental Governance: A Case Study of Community Based Adaptation in Bangladesh

Journal: Bangladesh e-Journal of Sociology

Volume: Bangladesh e-Journal of Sociology

Year: 2014

Author: Shahadat Hossain Shakil

Publisher: Bangladesh Sociological Society

Optimizing urban land use allocation for planners and real estate developers

Journal: Computers, Environment and Urban Systems

Volume: Computers, Environment and Urban Systems

Year: 2014

Author: Dr. Afsana Haque

Publisher: Elsevier

Carbon Emission from Domestic Level Consumption: Ecological Footprint Account of Dhanmondi Residential Area, Dhaka, Bangladesh – A Case Study

Journal: Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences

Volume: Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences

Year: 2014

Author: Shahadat Hossain Shakil

Publisher: AENSI Publisher