Members’ Publication

1274 publications found

A Fuzzy Logic Modeling Approach to Assess the Speed Limit Suitability in Urban Street Networks

Journal: Agents and Artificial Intelligence:

Volume: Agents and Artificial Intelligence:

Year: 2013

Author: Md. Bayzid Khan

Publisher: Springer Berlin Heidelberg

a) Urban governance and informal growth regulation in Dhaka



Year: 2013

Author: Md. Taibur Rahman

Publisher: A H Development Publishing House

Sustainable City Design: Developing conceptual planning proposal for Eastern Fringe of Dhaka city

Journal: Global Meet on Sustainable Development - 2013

Volume: Global Meet on Sustainable Development - 2013

Year: 2013

Author: Shahadat Hossain Shakil

Publisher: Eminence

Self-proxy agreement and weekly school travel behaviour in a sectarian divided society

Journal: Journal of Transport Geography

Volume: Journal of Transport Geography

Year: 2013

Author: Md. Kamruzzaman

Publisher: Elsevier

Will the application of spatial multi criteria evaluation technique enhance the quality of decision-making to resolve boundary conflicts in the Philippines?

Journal: Land Use Policy

Volume: Land Use Policy

Year: 2013

Author: Md. Kamruzzaman

Publisher: Elsevier

Hydro-Meteorological Trends in Southwest Coastal Bangladesh: Perspectives of Climate Change and Human Interventions

Journal: American Journal of Climate Change

Volume: American Journal of Climate Change

Year: 2013

Author: M S Mondal, R Jalal, M. S A Khan, U Kumar, R Rahman, H Huq

Publisher: Scientific Research

Salinity Progression at Khulna: Anthropogenic or Climate Change Induced?

Journal: Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Water and Flood Management (ICWFM-2013)

Volume: Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Water and Flood Management (ICWFM-2013)

Year: 2013

Author: Mohammad Rashed Jalal

Publisher: IWFM, BUET

Chronological Analysis of Water Management Practices in South-West Coastal Polders of Bangladesh

Journal: Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Water and Flood Management (ICWFM-2013)

Volume: Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Water and Flood Management (ICWFM-2013)

Year: 2013

Author: Mohammad Rashed Jalal

Publisher: IWFM, BUET

Urban form and commuting efficiency: a comparative analysis across time and space Read more at

Journal: Urban Studies

Volume: Urban Studies

Year: 2013

Author: Tufayel Ahmed Chowdhury


Conservation of Cultural Heritage: A Study on Tangible and Intangible Cultural Heritage of Khalifatabad, Bangladesh



Year: 2013

Author: Md. Reazul Hasan

Publisher: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing .

Transition of Social Space within the Houses of Wealthy Class in Old Dhaka

Journal: Constructed Environment conference 2013 at Lisbon, Portugal

Volume: Constructed Environment conference 2013 at Lisbon, Portugal

Year: 2013

Author: Mahedi Imran

Publisher: Constructed Environment conference 2013 at Lisbon, Portugal

Promoting Wheat Production in Bangladesh through the Belt Concept

Journal: BPDM Journal of Research

Volume: BPDM Journal of Research

Year: 2013

Author: Md. Sohel Rana

Publisher: National Academy for Educational Management (NAEM) & Bangladesh Peace and Development Mission (BPDM)