Members’ Publication

1274 publications found

Assessment of Water Supply, Sanitation and Drainage Facilities of South Begunbari Slum, Dhaka, Bangladesh Through Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) Method and Proposing Upgrading Schemes

Journal: Urban Economics & Regional Studies eJOURNAL

Volume: Urban Economics & Regional Studies eJOURNAL

Year: 2013

Author: Shahadat Hossain Shakil

Publisher: Social Science Research Network (SSRN)

Issues of sustainable tourism at heritage sites in Asia

Journal: Asian Heritage Management: Contexts, concerns, and prospects

Volume: Asian Heritage Management: Contexts, concerns, and prospects

Year: 2013

Author: Sharif Shams Imon

Publisher: Routledge

" Solving Community Problems Through Participatory Planning: Role of CBO (A Case Study of Monipuripara, Dhaka)"

Journal: OIDA International Journal of Sustainable Development

Volume: OIDA International Journal of Sustainable Development

Year: 2013

Author: Md. Rabiul Awal

Publisher: OIDA International Journal of Sustainable Development

Employee Job Satisfaction in Production Oriented Organization: An Empirical Study on Fast Corporation (Pvt.) Limited

Journal: University of Science & Technology Annual (USTA)

Volume: University of Science & Technology Annual (USTA)

Year: 2013

Author: Md. Sadat Khan

Publisher: University of Science & Technology Chittagong

Layout Structure of a Service Organization: A Case of a Bank

Journal: University of Science & Technology Annual (USTA)

Volume: University of Science & Technology Annual (USTA)

Year: 2013

Author: Md. Sadat Khan

Publisher: University of Science & Technology Chittagong, Chittagong

Growing Trends of ICT in Road Safety

Journal: TELETECH: ICTs and Improving Road Safety

Volume: TELETECH: ICTs and Improving Road Safety

Year: 2013

Author: Mohammad Rasel Kabir

Publisher: BCS Telecom Samity, Ministry of Posts and Telecommunication, Government of Bangladesh

Simulating Land Cover Changes and Their Impacts on Land Surface Temperature in Dhaka, Bangladesh

Journal: Remote Sensing

Volume: Remote Sensing

Year: 2013

Author: Md. Shahinoor Rahman


Road Pricing as a Travel Demand Management Tool and Its Applicability in Dhaka City

Journal: Jahangirnagar Planning Review

Volume: Jahangirnagar Planning Review

Year: 2013

Author: Farhadur Reza

Publisher: Dept. of Urban & Regional Planning, Jahangirnagar University


Journal: R.E.D.S. Rome Ecological Design Symposium

Volume: R.E.D.S. Rome Ecological Design Symposium

Year: 2013

Author: G.M.A. Balayet Hossain, PhD

Publisher: LIStLab

Memory of the space. A cognitive way of thinking

Journal: NUL- New Urban Languages Conferences Proceedings

Volume: NUL- New Urban Languages Conferences Proceedings

Year: 2013

Author: G.M.A. Balayet Hossain, PhD

Publisher: Planum The Journal of Urbanism

Historical imprints of Panam Nagar

Journal: International Conference Built Heritage 2013 - Monitoring Conservation Management

Volume: International Conference Built Heritage 2013 - Monitoring Conservation Management

Year: 2013

Author: G.M.A. Balayet Hossain, PhD

Publisher: Politecnico di Milano

Inclusion of Historic Urban Quarters -A Case of ‘Panam Nagar’ at Sonargaon in Bangladesh

Journal: International Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences (IJHSS)

Volume: International Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences (IJHSS)

Year: 2013

Author: G.M.A. Balayet Hossain, PhD

Publisher: IASET