Members’ Publication

1274 publications found

Commuter’s Modal Choice: A Case Study of Savar Pourashava

Journal: Journal of Bangladesh Institute of Planners

Volume: Journal of Bangladesh Institute of Planners

Year: 2009

Author: Md. Monowarul Islam

Publisher: Bangladesh Institute of Planners

Impact of Roadside Commercialization on Transport Performance: A Case of Satmosjid Road, Dhaka

Journal: Nagar Shoilee

Volume: Nagar Shoilee

Year: 2009

Author: Md. Shahinoor Rahman

Publisher: Department of Urban and Regional Planning BUET

Managing efficiency of urban road toward better transportation system

Journal: Journal of Geography and Regional Planning

Volume: Journal of Geography and Regional Planning

Year: 2009

Author: Ripan Debnath

Publisher: Academic Journals

Morphological Change of Dhaka City Over a Period of 55 Years: A Case Study of Two Wards

Journal: Journal of Bangladesh Institute of Planners

Volume: Journal of Bangladesh Institute of Planners

Year: 2009

Author: Bayes Ahmed

Publisher: Bangladesh Institute of Planners (BIP)

A spatial analysis on the provision of urban public services and their deficiencies: a study of some selected blocks in Khulna city, Bangladesh

Journal: Theoretical and Empirical Research on Urban Management (TERUM, ISSN 2065-3913; EISSN: 2065-3921)

Volume: Theoretical and Empirical Research on Urban Management (TERUM, ISSN 2065-3913; EISSN: 2065-3921)

Year: 2009

Author: Md. Salauddin

Publisher: Research Centre in Public Administration and Public Services, Academy of Economic Studies

ICE 09: Inspiring Climate Education, Ist Conference held on October 12-14, 2009, Copenhagen, Denmark



Year: 2009

Author: Md. Salauddin


Setting Standards for Community Facilities in a City: A Case study of Ward 50 of Dhaka City Corporation

Journal: Journal of Bangladesh Institute of Planners

Volume: Journal of Bangladesh Institute of Planners

Year: 2009

Author: Mohammad Atikul Islam

Publisher: Bangladesh Institute of Planners

Spatial Planning of Educational Institutions

Journal: Bangladesh Research Publications Journal

Volume: Bangladesh Research Publications Journal

Year: 2009

Author: Mohammad Atikul Islam

Publisher: BRP

Design and management based approach towards BRT system development in Dhaka city (A case study of Gabtoli to Sydabad)

Journal: Nagar Shoilee

Volume: Nagar Shoilee

Year: 2009

Author: Manik Kumar Saha

Publisher: Department of Urban and Regional Planning, BUET

An analysis of spatial structure of Dhaka: associated problems and issues

Journal: 10th Asian Urbanization Conference, Hong Kong 2009

Volume: 10th Asian Urbanization Conference, Hong Kong 2009

Year: 2009

Author: MD. Sarfaraz Gani Adnan


Urban Spatial Growth Analysis of Khulna City

Journal: GIS Development Weekly

Volume: GIS Development Weekly

Year: 2009

Author: Planner Rejaur Rahman

Publisher: GIS Development

Service Quality Attributes Affecting the Satisfaction of Railway Passengers of Selective Route in Southwestern Part of Bangladesh.

Journal: Theoretical and Empirical Research on Urban Management(TERUM))

Volume: Theoretical and Empirical Research on Urban Management(TERUM))

Year: 2009

Author: Md. Arifur Rahaman

Publisher: Research Center in Public Adminstration and Public Service, Academy of Economic Studies,Bucharest, Rumania.