Members’ Publication

1274 publications found

Modelling Spatio-Temporal Urban Land Cover Growth Dynamics Using Remote Sensing and GIS Techniques: A Case Study of Khulna City

Journal: Journal of Bangladesh Institute of Planners

Volume: Journal of Bangladesh Institute of Planners

Year: 2011

Author: Bayes Ahmed

Publisher: Bangladesh Institute of Planners (BIP)

Nature & Extent of population displacement due to climate change: a study on Bogi village of Sarankhola upazila under Bagerhat district, Khulna

Journal: International Journal of Climate Change Strategies and Management

Volume: International Journal of Climate Change Strategies and Management

Year: 2011

Author: Md. Salauddin

Publisher: Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation Strategy for Khulna City: From Physical Planning Perspective

Journal: International Seminar on Climate Change: Environmental Insights for Climate Change Mitigation

Volume: International Seminar on Climate Change: Environmental Insights for Climate Change Mitigation

Year: 2011

Author: Md. Salauddin

Publisher: Environmental Science and civil Engineering department, Sebelas Maret University

Influence of workplace on residential location choice: a study on Nirala and Sonadanga residential areas of Khulna city

Journal: Khulna University Studies

Volume: Khulna University Studies

Year: 2011

Author: Md. Salauddin

Publisher: Khulna University

Assessing Public Housing in Respect of Services of Third World country A Study on Class III & IV Govt.Colony's Employees in Khulna City, Bangladesh

Journal: Assessing Public Housing in Respect of Services of Third World country A Study on Class III & IV Govt.Colony's Employees in Khulna City, Bangladesh

Volume: Assessing Public Housing in Respect of Services of Third World country A Study on Class III & IV Govt.Colony's Employees in Khulna City, Bangladesh

Year: 2011

Author: S.M. Mostafigur Rahman

Publisher: LAP Lambert Academic Publishing ,GmbH & Co. KG, Dudweiler Landstraße 99 66123 Saarbrücken ,Germany

Commercial Land Use in Dhaka: An Analysis of Trends and Patterns

Journal: 400 Years of Capital Dhaka and Beyond

Volume: 400 Years of Capital Dhaka and Beyond

Year: 2011

Author: MD. Sarfaraz Gani Adnan

Publisher: Asiatic Society of Bangladesh

Participation index : a measure to identify rural transport disadvantage?

Journal: Journal of Transport Geography

Volume: Journal of Transport Geography

Year: 2011

Author: Md. Kamruzzaman

Publisher: Elsevier

Using GIS to visualise and evaluate student travel behaviour

Journal: Journal of Transport Geography

Volume: Journal of Transport Geography

Year: 2011

Author: Md. Kamruzzaman

Publisher: Elsevier

Urban Spatial Growth Analysis Of Khulna City: Manage Future Urban Growth For Better Sustainable City



Year: 2011

Author: Planner Rejaur Rahman

Publisher: VDM

A Logical Approach for Geo-coding and Minimizing noise in the Spatial Data of Public Bus Service in Urban Areas

Journal: International Conference of Urban Transportation

Volume: International Conference of Urban Transportation

Year: 2011

Author: Yaser Hawas, Md Bayzid Khan, Nandita Basu


A state of art review on internal curing of concrete and its prospect for Bangladesh

Journal: 4th Annual Paper Meet and 1st Civil Engineering Congress, December 22-24, 2011, Dhaka, Bangladesh

Volume: 4th Annual Paper Meet and 1st Civil Engineering Congress, December 22-24, 2011, Dhaka, Bangladesh

Year: 2011

Author: Md. Shahinoor Rahman

Publisher: Institute of Engineers Bangladesh (IEB)

An Assessment of Socio-Economic Factors behind Rural-Urban Migration in Bangladesh: An Origin-Destination Analysis

Journal: Rural-Urban Migration

Volume: Rural-Urban Migration

Year: 2011

Author: Mahedi Imran

Publisher: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, GmbH & Co. KG, Saarbrücken, Germany